
A Meditation For A Session by Frank Merrillat

I take a moment to breathe, to settle into myself.
I ask
What am I aware of in this moment?
In my breath, in my body, In my mind and emotions?
What am I aware of in this moment?

I take time to contact myself.
I allow my awareness to expand,
I notice this person I am with.

What do I notice? What interests me?
What do I see? What do I hear?
Who is this person? What troubles them? How can I be of service?
Where do my hands want to touch?
What does my inner eye see?
What does my inner voice tell me?
What does my empathetic self feel?
How can I use this to contact this person more deeply?

I suspend judgment, I accept what is, I do not need to fix,
Only to deepen understanding and awareness.

I remember to breathe,
Is my own body easy? Is my own mind clear?
I begin to touch.

What do I feel? What does this tissue tell me? What does this tissue request?
I communicate.

I ask when I am not certain. I ask when I want to know.
I respond to what I hear.

I respect this person before me completely, wholly.
I listen to both our experiences.
I care for this person, I take time to care for myself.
I dance with this person, we dance together.
I ask for help.

Help me to help this person, show me the way.
We are creatures of light
Help me to help us shine.
I am a vehicle,
Help me to do the highest work
Thank You